Open only to Stewards, members and their guests (though foreign competitor badges also enable the wearers to enter Stewards).

The biggest and most obvious of the enclosures, entry is through gates which are controlled by gate monitors. You must adhere to the dress code, and you will not be allowed to bring any food or drink into the enclosure (bags are frequently searched looking for offending items.) Oh and make sure your mobile phone is turned off before you go in, as a badly timed ring may result in you being evicted by the bowler hats.

  • STEWARDS run the Regatta and wear Elegant Silver Badges in the shape of the Henley Royal Regatta logo.

  • MEMBERS OF THE STEWARDS' ENCLOSURE wear a Metal badge the shape and colour of which changes each year.

  • GUESTS wear a cardboard tag shaped and coloured for the year and the day for which it is valid. It is possible to become a member of the stewards enclosure by filling in an application form and waiting the requisite number of years. Rabbit knows that the time you’ll have to wait is measurable in years but you are far more likely to get in, after between three and five years, if you are either proposed or seconded by a Steward, an International or a Henley winner.

    Your application will be successful over a slightly greater number of years if you have an demonstrable interest and involvement in Rowing and greatly assisted if you have either been involved in the running of the event or actually competed at the Regatta, though not been a winner.

    If you are a random punter, who just wants to join to complete your MCC, Ascot and LTA memberships, so as to enable you to treat it as another part of your season, then you will probably have to wait fifteen to twenty years.

    It must be stressed that Guests' behaviour is a reflection against the member through whom they obtained their tag . All paper tags are marked with the membership number of their source, so if your behaviour gets you thrown out of the enclosure, it will likely result in the same fate befalling your benefactor and thus the withdrawal of tag access from that person.

    The Stewards enclosure during qualifiers, the railings will be removed

    For those who wish to watch racing, there are some fine covered Grandstands in Stewards and it is actually possible to pre-book seats if that is your wish. Stewards is an excellent place to watch early in the week, but by the weekend it gets crammed to capacity and unless you have staked out a grandstand seat or a front row deckchair, it is practically impossible to see anything apart from people’s backs.

    There are numerous bars in the Stewards Enclosure, particularly the Bridge bar and the Fawley Bar (Details can be found in the section on drinking). At this point, Rabbit would point out that the booze is extremely expensive and the bars extremely high for a small furry bunny. However, he regularly hitches a lift in the blazer pocket of one of his bunny boys and girls and can be found supping with the best. One point worth noting: - Never, EVER arrange to meet people in Stewards at the weekend - you’re more likely to run into the bow man you last saw in 1996 than find someone specific at a pre-arranged time in one of the bars.

    Members' Chitty books were scrapped a couple of years ago, when the bars in the Stewards Enclosure started to accept cards (note this may be dangerous for your bank balance, as credit cards and alcohol do not mix well).

    For celebrity rowing rabbit the biggest problem with Stewards is that you cannot watch the racing with a drink in your hand, as drinking is restricted to the allocated bar areas and the bars are either too far from the river or you cannot actually see the course from them.

    Also on the downside is the fact that, unlike Remenham and Leander, the Stewards enclosure closes soon after racing finishes for the day, at which point you will be booted out and will have to find an alternative location to continue your drinking.

    There are numerous restaurants in the enclosure (which are dealt with in the section on eating) but be warned, the price of tea here is actually higher than that in the Competitors Enclosure.

    Children under eight are not allowed in the enclosure during the regatta, expect for on Sunday (finals day), when those accompanied by a badge wearing adult will be admitted for free.

    Ladies Loos are of variable quality, though on the plus side there are large numbers of them and you'll rarely have to queue for very long. Those near the Bridge Bar and Committee lawn are superior to those by the Fawley Bar and Grandstands.