In common with many other major sporting events, the Royal attracts its fair share of Media scum and you can easliy spot the ladies and gentlemen of the press by their "Press Box" badges.

Whilst a press badge will allow access to some otherwise unreachable viewpoints, it does not give free passage to the Stewards enclosure, a fact which seems to be beyond the grasp of many of the tabloid and fashion press, who repeatedly turn up in the vain hope of sleb spotting, only to strop off when their best laid plans come crashing down and they're pointed towards the joys of the general enclosure (which a press badge will get you into).

That aside, the darlings of the press have two places all of their own in which to hang out while contemplating cliches to submit to their various wimbeldon-obsessed editors.

press tentThe first and main hidey-hole for the press, is located on the right as you walk through the gate, next to St John's ambulance is the unobtrusive entrance to the media tent. As well as containing, a wireless internet connection and phone & power points, it also has a window through to the Bridge bar in Stewards - helpful for those morning after headaches, when the chocolate milk isn't working.

the press boxBut the real bonus of having a little cardboard badge, and the reason for the high ranking, is the press box itself. Situated next to committee lawn and immediately behind the finish, it offers unprecidented views of the racing, though rabbit would like to point out that cameras are banned, as it also gives unprecidented views of the Stewards at play.. and we wouldn't want that getting into the national press now, would we?